Friday, April 17, 2009

Reviews & Creative Writing & Art

Well, I don't really keep up with this, and what's the reason to anyway?

You may well note that my poi (points or places of interest) links to ThousandMonkeys but I have not as yet mentioned the fabulous book reviews that she does for I also feel that I've missed a bit out here that I should have expanded upon; you can read a short story from ThousandMonkeys here: Windows to the Soul. If you keep up to date with said blog you can keep up to date with "The uninspiring life and ponderous thoughts of an undiscovered author".

Another Friend of mine, David (who doesn't have a web presence and therefore no link), is having a short story of his entitled The Oasis published in the magazine Morpheus Tales. Well done him. By a bizarre demonstration of small world networks, Le Mat has been asked to illustrate the story, one illustration can be seen here: Oasis of Despair. I must say that is captures the air of the character from The Oasis.

Well, not much else to say, except that the title for this post is awful...