Friday, November 14, 2008

Russell T Davies and the death of Doctor Who.

Russell T Davies. Creator of Doctor Who (I'm being facetious). Killer of a program that was already dead? I think so.

I had great hope and excitement when Doctor Who got revived. I wasn't sure about Christopher Eccleston - about if he looked right for the part. He seemed fine in the few episodes I've seen though. David Tennant had a good look going on, but his thing for saying things very fast and running around wears out a bit in the end. Anyway, it's not about the actors - it's about the writing. The aforementioned Mr Davies seems to have missed the point somewhere along the way. Gone are stories which have cliffhangers and last for several episodes. Here are the all wrapped up in 45 minute versions. Ho humm. (I think some of the writing style is commented upon here

Now, one of my favourite (top of the list I think) Doctors is Paul McGann - the audio adventures are fantastic and he plays the Doctor so well. The Doctor Who stories are so very much alive in the audio adventures, and I also think Mr McGann should have some more television series put his way - out of Russell control of course. I think it'll never happen. Prequels are popular at the moment though.

Now what should happen when we move onto the 11th Doctor? Well there are lots of musings about this, but I think a very suitable candidate has put herself forward. She'd be perfect in her delivery her performance and eccentricity.

Sandi Toksvig for Doctor Who!